600 grams Manitoba flour
1 package active dry yeast
320 milliters warm water
80 milliliters olive oil
10 grams salt
pinch sugar
sesame seed
1 egg beaten
Melt the dry yeast in the water with the pinch of sugar.
In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine flour with the water/yeast and mix on low speed with the dough hook attachment. Pour in the oil while still mixing and then add salt. Combine the dough is on medium speed for 5 to 7 minutes, until the dough is smooth and shiny.
Remove the dough from the mixer bowl and let it rest in a greasy oil bowl, covered with plastic wrap. Let sit in a warm place for about 2 hours or until doubled.
After the rest, shape the dough in flat rectangle. Slice the dough with a sharp knife on a finger-sized pieces. Roll each piece in a long shaped snake, brush with the beaten egg and roll it in the sesame seeds. Place it in a bakin sheet. Continue with the remaining dough, placing the grissini about 2 centimeters apart.
Let the grissini rest for about 30 minutes.
Meanwhile heat the oven to 400° F.
Place the baking sheet with grissini into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Keep cheking and take them out when they are golden brown.
Let cool before move from the bakin sheet.
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